So what is a Sensory Garden?


A sensory garden is a garden or other plot specifically created to be accessible and enjoyable to visitors, both disabled and non-disabled. The purpose of such a provision is to provide individual and combined sensory opportunities for the user such that they may not normally experience.

Sensory gardens can explore all aspects of the senses – sight, smell, touch, sound and taste. They are an excellent way to introduce the delights of a garden.

They can also be beneficial to wildlife as animals, insects and birds use their senses all the time to find food and protection.

The Location

The location identified for the project by Elvaston Castle Management and the Parish Plan Steering Group (now Elvaston Communities Group) is within the Old English Garden in the grounds of the Castle.

Before proceeding with the plan, a public consultation took place and around 100 people gave their views.

These have been incorporated in our plans.

The Old English Garden is already open to the Public.

It is a secure walled environment with easy access

It is a sunny and sheltered location which was in need of renovation

Raised planting beds already existed.

There is ample existing seating with places to relax and enjoy.

The Master Plan

  • To improve access to the site by re grading existing pathways.
  • Relaying of the York Stone paving where necessary.
  • Removal of existing plants, digging over the soil.
  • Adding compost to rejuvenate the soil in the raised beds.
  • Cleaning the existing wooden benches.
  • Developing a planting scheme using existing plants, plants grown on from cuttings from the Castle grounds and purchase of specialist plants.
  • Commence phased planting during summer and autumn.
  • Install a water feature in the garden.
  • Provide decorative metal arches at the access points

The project gets underway

On the 6th May 2013 a team of over 30 local volunteers removed all the plants not required at this time, dug over the beds and tidied the area.

The access walkways were re graded and resurfaced.

Selected plants were re potted for future use and sale to raise funds.

Wooden benches were jet wash cleaned and the site was cleaned and tidied ready for the next phase.

Over the following months of 2013 and early 2014 extensive planting took place and the water feature was installed.

Opening Day

We finally Opened The Sensory Garden in June 2014